
Where I've Been This Week...Week 2

Such a week...

A not good, unpleasant, very bad, week of re-entry...

On Nursing Home Tuesday the weather forecaster says it will be sweltering. I wear a gauzy black skirt. I walk down the facility hallway and into my first patient's room.  I take a seat in her wheelchair and hold her hand because she is crying.

The nursing home is warm and stuffy, but here in her room it is quiet and cool. 

I relax back into the wheelchair to listen, but even as I do my external sensors register how comfortable this room is compared to the rest of the home.  It is so wonderfully cool.

Cool and...clammy?

A tiny alarm bell begins to ring in my head...

Why is the sensation of coolness coming from my ass?

Usually, when the air conditioning cuts on in a building, the unexposed area of the body is not the first part to experience relief.


Oh, dear...

This can't be, and yet, it is...

I am sitting in pee.

I have 8 more patients to see.

And I am wearing thong underwear.

It is only Tuesday morning and yet...

My week does not get any better.

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