
It's Happened Again!

Five minutes ago we were here...

And now, suddenly, we're here?!

How is it this keeps happening? First the oldest gets married and now, not a month later, the youngest graduates from college...with two majors and a minor, a successful comedian, a boy becoming a man...

I know, this is how life's supposed to go. One moment you're feathering the nest and trying to wrap your mind around this fragile, new creature that is your baby- the next second- they've flown the coup and the sudden silence is deafening.

A few minutes ago I was in charge of their well-being- now I must watch nervously from the sidelines.  I know only as much as they share but I feel and imagine so much more.

They don't need me like they did and this is a good thing, I remind myself. It means they are launching, soaring into their futures with strong wings and brave hearts. I am so proud of the men they're becoming...etc, etc, etc...And yet- I miss my babies with all my heart.

Selfish, but true, and all a part of the process...Dammit.

1 comment:

LBDDiaries said...

Yeah, boy howdy do I remember that and all the feelings. Of course, he's now been out 12 years and our "new" relationship is just as precious as all the others we've had. In some ways he's more fun now. But every now and again, I take a trip through the picture albums and try to reconcile that tiny little baby with this big boy/man!! GREAT post!!