I was flipping through some old photographs tonight and found this one. It's my wedding day. I'm standing next to my groom at the reception, talking to a monkey puppet.
Now, I don't want to be the one to say anything here...but of course you know I will...
Wouldn't you think, looking at that picture in the days after the big event, I might've stopped to wonder why I found a monkey better company than my new husband?
Now I know it was a clue of what was to come...And I apparently continued to ignore it for another 16 years.
Oh well, at least two good Unnamed Ones came out of the ordeal.
Lost the stuffed shirt, kept the monkey.
Kind of puts me in mind of that commercial:
Monkey puppet- $20.
Losing a stuffed shirt but gaining two wonderful sons...priceless!
"Wouldn't you think, looking at that picture in the days after the big event, I might've stopped to wonder why I found a monkey better company than my new husband?"
That really cracked me up... :sports an anime sweatdrop:
Ha! What a great pic and story!!
Do you still have the monkey??
Hell, yes I have the monkey! You didn't think I'd let him get away, did you? After all...he'd only spent 16 years trying to warn me!
Wonder if that's why my dog ate my quilt the first time my ex came over to the house? I knew he was pissed about something, but hey, maybe that was another, more expensive clue!
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