I tried to get Maggie to go for a walk but she pitched a fit! I mean, it was just like a two-year-old's temper tantrum- head shaking, bucking up and down on the leash like a wild horse, throwing herself back toward the porch.
She's never done that. I guess she was just trying to make sure I knew she still deserves her "Psycho Dog" title.
I spent the day slogging back and forth to the barn, carrying boxes of indoor decorations and the woebegone Christmas decorations that had been lying out in the yard, victims of the last wind and rain storm.
Everything was snug and cozy until the propane gave out. I suppose I'll have to call and get an account set up with a supplier. Oh well, the leftover propane was fun while it lasted...At least I'm getting good at keeping the wood stove going.
Tonight as I drove back down the lane toward my city home, I noticed the creek down by the neighbor's horse farm was swollen with rainwater. By now I'm sure my spring box is full of water, so the water crisis is officially over-for now. What a relief!
I envy you and your country home.
I'll make you an honorary holler member!
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