
Some Local Virginia Mountain Bloggers I Love to Read...



There is a lot of good writing out in the Blogosphere.  Lately I am drawn to writing from my new neck of the woods- the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  I suppose I've become a human tea bag, steeping myself in the words and wisdom of people who know so much about mountain and country life. 

I love that so many writers and artists live nearby. 

I stumble on new sites by searching but also by clicking on the blogrolls of bloggers I already admire.  But I would REALLY appreciate any links you'd like to pass along to me that I might've overlooked. 

While we're at it, if you haven't checked these blogs out, you are missing a treat.

Blue Ridge Blue Collar Girl- I was reading her profile and noted we have a lot in common.  We're both writers who began our blogs to get back in touch with our writing muse and to find a part of ourselves that we felt was lost.  I think she's accomplished that goal.  Her posts are both poignant and at times, wickedly funny

I found Life at Dogfight Cove in the middle of the night last week while I was up at the cabin.  Trust me.  You need to see and read this for yourself.  This is really rural living.  (I love the header shot that so perfectly captures Life at Dogfight Cove.)

These are just a couple of my recent favorites.  The others are over in my blogroll along the sidebar.  I love Fred over at Fragments from Floyd lately because he hates Windows Vista as much as I do.  (But don't mind me, look at his photos!)

I always check out Doug Thompson's blog.  His pictures were the initial draw but his fearless confrontation of local injustices and bigotry is always cogent and succinct.  What I'm trying to say is, he doesn't take s**t off nobody! (I like to imagine him as a loveable curmudgeon...with a torn rotator cuff.)

Now, your turn.  Please send some new links my way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was looking at my stats last night, I was delighted to see this huge spike in my numbers. It wasn't until I looked at your blog this morning that I figured out why. Thank you so much for the link and the very kind words. I think we do have a lot in common, including a child attending the same North Carolina university. And I would certainly say that, with all those books under your belt, you've found your muse in a big way!
I am so glad I discovered your blog and look forward to reading your books.
(By the way, I should mention that I'm actually from the North Carolina mountains. But my husband grew up in the Virginia mountains!)