There is nothing quite so sad as a birthday party all dressed up with nowhere to go. This was the case Saturday evening.
The spaghetti was ready.
The balloons and streamers all in place.
The guests had arrived...
Popping in from all over...
But alas, the Birthday Boy did not feel well.
"Present him!" cried the Youngest Unnamed One. "It might help."
And so we and gifts given as needed, every few minutes, until at last
he smiled.
Then began to laugh...
We proceeded with dinner and cake. (Yes, I made it. From scratch. Four layers...Chocolate on chocolate, as requested by the Birthday Boy/Man himself.)
Of course, at wild events such as the ones thrown regularly around here, there are the occasional casualties. A couple of the guests got into it over the leftover spaghetti on an unattended plate and well, to quote this guest directly, "You think I look bad? You should see the other guy!"
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